
As Psychotherapy/Counselling is not covered by Medicare, the fees are kept at a rate that is consistent with the gap that would be paid when seeing a Psychologist under the Medicare mental health scheme. However, rebates are available from the following health funds: Bupa, St Luke’s Health, Police health, GMHBA, Westfund, Emergency Services Health, Phoenix Health, CUA Health and Teachers Union Health.

There is no need to get a referral from a GP. 

The fee is $120 per session for individual therapy. The fee for supervision will be discussed at the time of booking. The fees can be reduced depending on income and they are subsidized for students. I also offer a free 15 minute phone call to discuss therapeutic needs before booking the first session.

The fee is $160 for couples therapy.

Having difficulty paying the therapy fee?
Alternative payment options can be discussed.

Cancelled or missed appointments:
If appointments are missed or cancelled without 24 hours notice, then the full fee will be charged.